"Nothing inspires forgiveness quite
like revenge” -Scott Adams
It's that time of year again!
WOFF graduation and wedding ceremonies are queuing
up and that means loads of visitors are due to arrive and attend.
Regular readers to this blog may be
among those planning on getting a look-see for themselves about the
much discussed, certainly controversial group, known as WOFF.
You will find smiling, happy, nice,
going out of their way to please you members, (aka smiling zombies of
bliss) catering to your visit as if in a first class
You should make sure you pack jeans and
shorts and tank tops to wear outside of going to church with them.
They really get pissed when you dress like this.
Try to find restaurants to go that
serve alcohol and invite everybody. See what they tell you.
If you have tattoos, make sure they are
Ladies, anything low cut and short will
really get them to take you aside for a talking to.
Smoke 'em if you got 'em. Legal stuff,
that is.
Any Goth persons visiting? Sweet! Welcome to the Dark Arts.
If WOFF has a gift shop, ask if they have Dead Sea Scroll Steak Knives.
Any Goth persons visiting? Sweet! Welcome to the Dark Arts.
If WOFF has a gift shop, ask if they have Dead Sea Scroll Steak Knives.
These are examples of every day life
with which they will find themselves quite uncomfortable if you oblige today's blog, or one of your own requests, and will no
doubt result in someone taking you aside and asking you to modify your behavior, language, dress, questions...........
Staying in a hotel THEY picked? Look around, ask why.
Are WOFF members ALWAYS present when you are with a family member? Ask WHY? Ask them to leave, see what they say.
On the way to their church for the
ceremonies, take note of the protesters near their compound. Take
pictures, talk to them and get a good idea of what being on the
“outside” of WOFF is like. This is, of course unless someone
from WOFF is driving you to the ceremony.
As you're in the car, ask what radio
station they like or what their favorite song on the radio is?
When you get to the compound, look
around for guys in suits “guarding” the area.
When you set foot on the compound, take
as many pictures as you can of the place.
Same goes for indoors.
Ask how long the service will last (3
Notice everyone's behavior. This is not
a regular church service where there might be blasting demons (presumably to the tune:( Bang Your Head by Quiet Riot), asking
for tithes, punishing people for thinking of the color pink. You know,
a regular Sunday.
At the reception, take every
opportunity to ask Jane questions including: I'd like to know why you
encourage estrangement from family members, how is that productive?
How is that God's way?
Also, is it YOU that determines who
marries who? (she'll say God) Are you trying to marry off as many
foreign members to US members to keep the membership going? Also: Why
is it that you have so many more NON members (who are quite vocal)
than members ? Also: Does it bother you that you have so many
enemies? (she'll mention God here) Or, ask her about her dad Bill Brock,
or her biological dad John Henry Bumgarner. Or, you said in a newspaper interview that people who oppose your church "get cancer". How so?
Or, if you have been reading this and
or John's blog, you might glean a few choice, certainly uncomfortable
questions for Jane.
And by all means, don't let Jane have
all the fun. Try probing Brooke Covington or
nudge Jane Caulder or Holly Morris.
Maybe quiz Ray Farmer about surveillance equipment.
Ask Wayne Hall about his Private Eye
biz or any bouts with (the group) Anonymous.... yet. Ask if he's packing heat.
Break out in a song from a Broadway play and yell:" I'm coming out, I'm Gay", and see what happens.
Or, better yet, bring someone that is Gay and make a big deal out of it.
Even if you DONT do any of the suggested contents in today's blog, you will be watched and perhaps not
know it. There will be so many eyes on you, it's quite scary.
Don't forget: Take as many pictures of people and
indoors as you can. This may help in future investigations.
Ask to go to the fourth building. This
is where they separate those whom WOFF has punished. Ask for any fourth building alumni.
Your visit to WOFF land or Jane-Dale
should be eye opening. Instead of visiting, count on getting some
work in by doing some of the aforementioned.
No doubt you will encounter resistance.
No doubt they will try to change the subject. No doubt they will
blame one of the bloggers for inciting this upon them.
The point of all this is......
The point of all this is......
THIS blogger is trying to get you to see this is a dangerous cult. You need to steer clear of them. WW encourages you to continue to seek and serve God, not these people. Certainly not THAT woman.
Look around, pay attention, ask
This is one of the rare times (?) that
outsiders get to come in and look around. Use your opportunity.